

  • Manifesto.XXI reports about Symboter

    The magazin Manifesto.XXI reports about Symboter in March 2019. Triggered by the release of my early music works of the 80s by french label Alter-K, the magazine Manifesto.XXI reported in a long story (french language) about my music work with many photos included. It is worth having a look at: “Anthologie d’un pionnier de la musique électronique“. The report can be viewed here...

  • Radio plays and reports about Symboter

    On February 19th, 2019 my music work “Music for 5 pianos” was played first time in radio at radiopanic in the feature “Indiedrome”. I was proudly introduced as “pioneer of electronic music”, here to the Show. Also, a week beforehand, on february 12th 2019, my songs “Running” and “Voyager24” have been aired first time, here the link to the...

  • Interview in GONZAI magazine with Symboter

    GONZAI online magazine did an interview with me about my music and work with machines and robots. Now it has been published online in their magazine with many photos and links (french language, some links don’t work anymore). The interview spins around my thoughts and works with machinery in sound and physical art. I like the somehow funny and dystopic style of the interview text. Here is th...

  • Interview video by kunstleben berlin

    Many thanks to Kunstleben Berlin for this in-depth interview about my works: Olaf Schirm (Symboter) – Die Auslotung der Frequenz...

  • Symboter report in DieOrDiy

    Platform “Die Or Diy” reports about my music on cassette “Matrix, Synchrotron and Phon-Ethik” . “Phon-Ethik” is described as (excerpt): A cassette full of beautiful analogue warmth, with quite a few decent tunes.… Honest electronic musik before it was turned into the ultimate W.M.D (weapon of mass distraction). Also, the best Symboter cassette.  &#822...

  • Report about symboter in “technikart” magazine

    The French “Technikart Magazine” (that’s the “Wired” of France) reports in the April 2011 issue about my previous “life’s work”…. Feels good they appreciate my work and they care....