

(2024) inTERference – part 1 & 2

"inTERference" A song about "interference" (a frequency phenomena) and "inference", which is nowadays often mentioned when talking about AI reasoning capabilities. Software synthesizers only. Visuals done with Stable Diffusion, AnimDiff under ComfyUI in original resolution. All AI images engineered with "interference" in the prompt. ...

(2023) DuDa

"DuDa" A song about my grandparents dating each other in the 1920s and having fun, enjoying life. Technically speaking, this song was generated by me using software synthesizers only and the video clip by assembling 2700 images rendered with the AI Stable Diffusion, non retouched. (Each 3rd image has been rendered, the two images in between are blended) ...

(2022) Discovery Train

Song about a ride in a train in a Discovery Park. Fresh and loud. Here you can watch the music with AI Scenographics by me: ...

(2022) Morte et Dabo

"Morte et Dabo"A song about pain and hope. Part of the LEO Chronicles. I used the song unplanned as a reaction to the murder of Nawalny on Feb. 16th 2024 for these visuals I was working on when it happened. It is all about constant moving against and with the storms of the sea. Is not hopeless, just endless. Here on bandcamp for best quality download: Morte et Dabo by Symboter ...

(2021) 1920s

The golden 1920s in Berlin lasted only 8 years and were "golden" only for very few of the citizens, most of them suffered in the hunger winter after WW1 and most of the young and middle aged men, partners were gone forever. It took 20 years to grow up new childs who became soldiers and victims again in WW2. This song takes some fragmented snipplets of lightfeeted songs from the 1920s and let them appear in granular waves where the drama shines through the superficial and momentary joy. It is part of "The Leo Chronicles", a concept album about my...

(2021) Ge-ha-be

ɡəˈhaːbəSong about an artificial intelligence which learns to speak and ends with the german word "Gehabe" (something like "strange behaviour" or "to do as if") Ge-ha-be by Symboter Sehr cooles Konzept! Die Vocals erinnern an dadaistische Lyrik im Stile eines Kurt Schwitters („Ursonate“) oder Raoul Hausmann („fmswb“). Passt super gut zu den Synth-Klängen und das Motiv einer um Wortbildung ringenden KI ist so unheimlich rund umgesetzt. Tolle Arbeit. Gehört sicher zu den künstlerischsten Ansätzen. breitband Die Vokals erinnern mich an Jean Michel Jarre Zoolook mit Laurie Anderson. Cooler Track, gefällt mir sehr. Vote! Vanuria ...

(2021) HASAG

This new song is about HASAG, a mighty Ammunition Manufacturer in the Third Reich. In special the song is about the factory Pelcery (Peltzer) in Czestochowa (Tschenstochau). HASAG was destiny for 10 thousands of forced labour workers, mostly young jewish men and women. Many of them died within weeks because of exhaustion or were poisened by the chemicals, died in factory accidents, were murdered by the SS after only 3 days of illness or just by fun. My grandfather LEO was forced labor worker in several camps after being in the ghetto of Krakow. He survived the concentration camp of...

(2021) Edith

Another Song for "The Leo Chronicles". This one is dedicated to Edith, Leos wife 1929-1935, my grandmother. Photo was taken in mid of 1933, at relatively good times, although the NAZIS already started their progrom. Edith was born in a christian family, then converted to jewish religion, then reconverted to christian again, when being divorced from Leo. In my childhood, I know her singing with a sopranic voice in church on rare occasions. She led a pleasant, but lonely short life, perhaps she was superficial, but more likely there was a lot pain underneath the well kept surface. This song...

(2018) Cluster

Cluster Here, too, I worked with the experimental handling of rich sounds, retro elements and a brittle structure. I was inspired by a sound of the Omnisphere2, so I decided to use this software synthesizer in particular.Melody voice is a Waldorf Blofeld, that’s almost clear, the Blofeld hoarded next to my Prophet 12 to the instruments with which I can best express what I want to represent. Cluster by Symboter ...

(2016) Heart-Drive

Heart-Drive This piece is about fusion of very different musical elements and styles. I have an affection for impressionistic, quasi improvised instrument soloa, you can notice that, for example in the guitar solo passage of the song "EO". Here I recorded a short song with the Korg Karma, using piano, guitar and strings. The introduction is deliberately decorated with Ritardandos and accents, because I did not want the arpeggios sound too much "looped", the repetetive element should be reserved for the second section. As in the song Q-Chord, modern sound forms, which some would rather describe as oblique, are quite attractive to me. Here, in...