Symboter/Posts tagged "Olaf Schirm"

Olaf Schirm Tag

New Song and AI-Video “inTERference”

"inTERference" This year 2024 I have in mind to come up with some songs or/and sound installations circling around the topic of interference, an acoustic (or generally: frequency) phenomenum. The first finished song is here: it consists out of two parts and you need loudspeakers or good headphones for best experience. Some details: realized with some outstanding software synthesizers. Visuals with Stable Diffusion 1.5 in 4:3 standard, not upscaled. All prompts with the word "interference". ...

(2024) inTERference – part 1 & 2

"inTERference" A song about "interference" (a frequency phenomena) and "inference", which is nowadays often mentioned when talking about AI reasoning capabilities. Software synthesizers only. Visuals done with Stable Diffusion, AnimDiff under ComfyUI in original resolution. All AI images engineered with "interference" in the prompt. ...

New AI-Video for “Morte et Dabo”

"Morte et Dabo" The song is about the fight for life with ups and down, tragedy and hope. So is the video. Made under the impression of the murder of Nawalny on Feb. 16th 2024. Visuals are generated with Stable Diffusion in ComfyUI manager on my own hardware. No postproduction, no retouch, just added the text. Glitches are intentionally. ...

(2023) DuDa

"DuDa" A song about my grandparents dating each other in the 1920s and having fun, enjoying life. Technically speaking, this song was generated by me using software synthesizers only and the video clip by assembling 2700 images rendered with the AI Stable Diffusion, non retouched. (Each 3rd image has been rendered, the two images in between are blended) ...

New Song and AI-Video “DuDa”

"DuDa" A song about my grandparents dating each other in the 1920s and having fun, enjoying life. Technically speaking, this song was generated by me using software synthesizers only and the video clip by assembling 2700 images rendered with the AI Stable Diffusion, non retouched. (Each 3rd image has been rendered, the two images in between are blended) ...

(2022) Discovery Train

Song about a ride in a train in a Discovery Park. Fresh and loud. Here you can watch the music with AI Scenographics by me: ...

(2021) Ge-ha-be

ɡəˈhaːbəSong about an artificial intelligence which learns to speak and ends with the german word "Gehabe" (something like "strange behaviour" or "to do as if") Ge-ha-be by Symboter Sehr cooles Konzept! Die Vocals erinnern an dadaistische Lyrik im Stile eines Kurt Schwitters („Ursonate“) oder Raoul Hausmann („fmswb“). Passt super gut zu den Synth-Klängen und das Motiv einer um Wortbildung ringenden KI ist so unheimlich rund umgesetzt. Tolle Arbeit. Gehört sicher zu den künstlerischsten Ansätzen. breitband Die Vokals erinnern mich an Jean Michel Jarre Zoolook mit Laurie Anderson. Cooler Track, gefällt mir sehr. Vote! Vanuria ...

Exhibition “MATERIA”

At Bermel von Luxburg Galerie, Fasanenstraße 29, 10719 Berlin, three of my works will be on display in the group exhibition "MATERIA": Enjoy the virtual walk through the gallery: ...


I was invited to curate an exhibition in the project room "DISKURS" and am looking forward to the opening of the now built exhibition: SUPERPOSITION on 22.01.2020 at 7 pm. SUPERPOSITION shows radical positions about the perception from the field of Science Art / Art and Science of the artists: Olaf Schirm (artist and curator of the show) Lucas Buschfeld Edith Kollath Sebastian Wolf  SUPERPOSITION runs until 29.02.2020. The opening hours can be found on the website of Diskurs. Here is my text about the exhibition: The philosopher William von Occam recommended in the Middle Ages to free philosophy from all superfluous things with a razor knife, in essence...

Manifesto.XXI reports about Symboter

The magazin Manifesto.XXI reports about Symboter in March 2019. Symboter in construction zone with violin, 1976 Triggered by the release of my early music works of the 80s by french label Alter-K, the magazine Manifesto.XXI reported in a long story (french language) about my music work with many photos included. It is worth having a look at: "Anthologie d’un pionnier de la musique électronique". The report can be viewed here ...